
Sea Urchin

Urchin Preparation

Sea Urchin  (Loxechinus albus) Oursins, Herizos (Chile), Sea Eggs, Riccio di mare (Italy), Morkski jez (Yugoslavia), Achinos (Greece), Igulker (Iceland), Seeigel (Germany), Ourico-do-mar (Portugal), Erizo de mar (Spain), Uni (Japan), Kråkebolle (Norway), SjÖborre (Sweden)

The Urchin is a marine animal that looks a lot like a pin cushion.

Urchins are collected in waters 20 to 40 feet deep but may also be found in abundance in tidal pools, along rocky shores and on reefs.

There are 500 species but the most widely distributed is the Green Urchin which occurs in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. All species contain edible gonads when mature.  Both the male and female are utilized.  Gathering roe bearing urchins is highly seasonal and dependent on water temperatures.

In Florida the Black Urchin begins to produce roe as early as February until as late as July but for most of the East and West Coast of the United States the roe season is  August through April with the peak season in December.

Average Size: 4.5 inches in diameter   Range: 1.5 to 10 inches in diameter

Portion: 6 to 8 ea.= 1 portion

Available: Fresh, Frozen

Sea Urchin Sea Cucmber

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