Fortified Mllks are those containing added amounts of one
or more of the essential nutrients normally present in milk.
VITAMIN D MILK The Council on Foods and Nutrition of the American Medical
Association recognized the fortification
of milk with vitamin D as being of public health significance.
Food in general does not contain appreciable quantities of
vitamin D. Its primary source is the action of sunlight on the
skin. A small but not physiologically significant amount occurs
normally in milk. However, milk is the only food the Council on
Foods and Nutrition of the American Medical Association has
approved for fortification with vitamin D. Milk provides the
proportion of calcium and phosphorus that must be present
with vitamin D for normal calcification of bones and teeth.
To meet the requirements for acceptance by that Council,
vitamin D milk must contain 400 International Units of
vitamin D per quart, usually added in the form of a concentrate. The fortification of a large proportion of the fresh milk,
and almost all evaporated milk, with vitamin D has contributed to the decline in the incidence of rickets, once a common
scourge of infancy.