The specifications for the U .S. grades of butter are as

Butter of all U.S. grades shall be free of
foreign materials and visible mold. Butter possessing a
flavor rating of AA or A and workmanship disratings in
excess of one and one-half (1-1/2) shall be given a flavor
rating only; butter possessing a flavor rating of B or C and
workmanship disrating in excess of one (1) shall be given a
flavor rating only.
Butter which fails to meet the requirements for U.S.
Grade C or U.S. 89 Score shall not be given a U.S. grade.
Butter, when tested, which does not comply with the
provisions of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act,
including minimum milkfat requirements of 80.0 percent,
shall not be assigned a U .S. grade.
Butter produced in a plant found on inspection to be
using unsatisfactory manufacturing practices, equipment,
or facilities, or to be operating under in sanitary plant
conditions, shall not be assigned a U .S. grade.