

Axis Deer
Fallow Deer
Field Dressing Deer
Venison Chart
Variety Meats

Most hunter skin their game by hand using a knife and saw. This is easiest when the animal is placed on a pulley so it can be raised and lowered as needed to accomplish the task by keeping the area you are working on at eye level.

Skinning is easiest when the animal is still warm, but if you intend to age the carcass it is best to leave the hide on until butchering.

It is important to keep hair off the meat during the skinning process.  to help accomplish this keep your knife sharp by touching it up on a stone or steel. Always cut through the skin from the inside so the knife cuts between the hair rather than through it. This will keep hairs from being cut in half and possibly driving them into the meat.

After skinning lay the skin out on a board and scrape off any bits of meat or fat. Sprinkle the skin side liberally with salt and rub into the edges. Tilt board to allow drainage.

24 hours later put more salt on skin and fold in half skin side in and roll.  Refrigerate and take to tanner.

Click on skinning techniques below.

From Hindquarters From Head

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