The health regulations in Spain define four distinct
classes of olive oil:
- Virgin Olive Oil (Aceite
de Oliva virgen)
- Oil extracted from olives by mechanical or other
methods which do not modify it's basic properties. This results in a
completely natural product which maintains the taste plus chemical and
biological characteristics of the olive. Within the Virgin grade, there
are actually three recognized quality levels:
- Extra (Extra):
Oil of the best taste characteristics, and with an acidity level not
exceeding 1%
- Average (Corriente):
Oil with a good taste, and acidity levels not exceeding 3.3%
- Strong (Lampante):
Inadequate taste or acidity levels above 3.3%
- Refined Olive Oil (Aceite
de Oliva refinado)
- Oil obtained by refining virgin oil whose taste
and/or acidity levels make it unsatisfactory for direct consumption.
This is a healthy and perfectly acceptable food product, but it does not
have the full taste of virgin olive oil.
- Olive Oil (Aceite de
- This is made by blending both refined and virgin
olive oil. This is very much a standard in the marketplace - its
properties are somewhere between the previous two.
- Pomace Oil (Aceite de
- Made by refining/processing olive oil pressings [pomace/marc/orujo].
The least expensive type, no real taste and used primarily for deep
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