

Black Oreo Dory
Lookdown Dory
Smooth Oreo Dory

Dory  Pseudocyttus  maculatus

John Dory
Australia - John dory, Japan- Matodai, France - Saint-Pierre, Germany - Heringskonig, Greece -  Christopsaro, Italy - Pesce San Pietro, Spain - Pel de San Pedro

There are several varieties of the dory, the most prominent being the John dory. The John dory is also called St. Peter's fish in Europe, because the thumbprint marking on its side is attributed to the legend of the fisherman Simon (later known as St. Peter) grasping the fish tightly to search for a coin hidden in its mouth. Other fish that are called dories include the smooth oreo and black oreo dory, both of which do not actually belong to the dory family but are part of the Oreosomatidae, or oreo family.

Dory fillets are white to creamy in color with a firm dense texture that holds together well.  Both the Smooth and Black Oreo have a mild flavor but the black Oreo has a higher oil content which will give it a stronger flavor if not handled properly. The Dories range in size from 10 to 16 inches and average 2 to 3 pounds yielding fillets of 4 to 6 ounces on average. The Smooth Oreo is preferred to the Black due to its larger size and whiter more pleasing meat.

New Zealand is the primary source, with Australia, the former Soviet Union, South America, and South Africa also contributing to the commercial catch.  Because they are caught far off shore Oreo Dories are almost always marketed frozen.

 Market Forms  Weight in Lbs  Preparation
Frozen  Skinned and trimmed fillets

2 to 3

Bake, fried, sautéed, pan smoked, breaded and fried, deep fat fried,  poached, steam

Dory Halibut Moonfish Turbot

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