

Dry Process
Wet Process

The harvested cherries (coffea fruit) must be processed within 24 hours of picking to minimize any off flavors that may occur. The picked cherries are transported to a mill where the fruit is separated from the seed by one of two processes, Wet or Dry.

After the beans have been either wet or dry processed the beans can be kept in their protective parchment for up to a year though they will gradually loose their freshness. Fresh coffee is preferred but about one percent of coffee is aged under carefully controlled conditions to produce a rich nutty and mellow flavor.  The best known aged coffees are from India (Monsooned Malabar), Sumatra and Java

In some cases hulled green beans are processed with water, solvents or carbon dioxide to remove most of their caffeine.  The resulting loss of flavor is said to be corrected through the blending and roasting process.

Prior to roasting a final hand or machine sort is performed to remove any beans that do not have a healthy blue or gray-green color or beans that are of inconsistent size.

After roasting and before export each batch is tasted (called cupping) to determine quality and acceptability.

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