Oatmeal Fudge Bars

Preheat to 350°


1 C.             Butter
2 C              Packed Light Brown Sugar 3 Eggs
1 tsp.          Vanilla
3 C              Quick Oats 2-1/4 C Flour
1 tsp.           Baking Soda

Mix above ingredients together. Line bottom of pan with half of the mixture.

Chocolate Filling

2 C            Semi-sweet Chocolate Chips
1-1/3 C      Sweetened Condensed Milk (14 oz. can)
2 Tbsp.      Butter
1/2 tsp.      Salt
1/2 C         Chopped Nuts
1 tsp.         Vanilla

Melt chips and butter, add remaining ingredients. Put on top of oat mixture. Cover with remaining oat mixture.

Bake for 25 -30 minutes.