
Kahawai Arripis trutta, Australia:
Australian salmon, France: Saumon, Japan: Oki suzuki
Australien, Korea: Bangeo
Average size 15-20 inches, weighing 4- 6.5 pounds but some up to 28 inches
and 12 pounds. Found around New Zealand and southern Australia. Not
related to true salmons, despite its alternative names of Pacific salmon
and Australian salmon. Speckled light green-blue above, white below,
juvenile fish with additional brown markings. Found in inshore waters all
around New Zealand but most common from Kaikoura northwards. Mostly taken
by purse seine, some by trawl. Caught all year round but main season in
April to October when
at surface. A moderate resource.
Flesh rather dark but lightens on cooking. Medium texture,
strong flavor. Especially tasty when sauced, smoked or cooked by moist
heat, ie. poaching or steaming. Suited to canning, when the flesh turns a
delicate pink.
Arripidae (no common name)
