Araucanas are rumpless (tail-less) and
ear-tufted birds from South America and are very hard to find. They are
known for laying blue eggs. Most of the Araucanas referred to in the US
are mixes that carry some of the original genes and lay variously colored
eggs: blue, green, or pinkish. These birds are sometimes sold as Easter
Egg chickens. They are often white and many other colors.
[ Ac ] [ Ancona ] [ Andalusian ] [ Appenzell Bearded Hen ] [ Araucanas ] [ Aseel ] [ Australorp ] [ Barred Plymouth Rock ] [ Barnevelders ] [ Brahma ] [ Broilers ] [ Cornish ] [ Delaware ] [ Dominiques ] [ Dorking ] [ Dutch Bantam ] [ Leghorn ] [ Malay ] [ Meat Birds ] [ English Pheasant Fowl ] [ Rhode Island Red ] [ Silkie ] [ White Rock ]
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