IMPS NO. 401 Ham, Regular

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MBG NO. 401
URMIS and COMMON NAMES: Bone-In Fresh Ham.
COMMON USES: Roast; roast pork.
Weight Range [in pounds]
10-14 14-17 17-20
The ham is separated from the side by a straight cut approximately perpendicular to the outer skin surface and to a line parallel to the shank bones. This cut passes through a point which is not less than 1 1/2 in. and not more than 3 1/2 in. from the knob of the aitch bone. The foot shall be removed at, or slightly above, the hock joint. The tail bones and tail, vertebrae, flank muscle, preformoral lymph gland, and any other exposed lymph glands shall be removed. The fat on the face of the ham shall be removed, without any appreciable scoring or damage to the muscular portion. Practically all pelvic fat shall be removed. The ham shall be suitably faced with a smooth, well-rounded skin collar, extending not more than 2 1/2 in. inward from the center of the stifle joint; the lymph glands and fat in the flank area must be removed close to the muscles of the ham. The exterior fat thickness of the ham, measured directly under the bone at the butt edge, shall not exceed that indicated on the following schedule:
  Selection No.1 Selection No.2
10-14 lb. 1 1/4 in. 1 3/4 in.
14-17 lb. 1 1/2 in 2 in.
17-20 lb. 2 in. 2 1/4 in
20-26 lb. 1 3/4 in  
26 - up 2 in.  

Ham Recipes

Roasting Procedures