IMPS NO. 400    Carcass

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MBG NO. 400
COMMON USES: Portion from which all other wholesale cuts are derived.
Weight Range [in pounds]
120-150 150-180 180-210
The carcass shall be dressed "packer style", that is, without the head and with practically all internal fat removed. The major arteries of the ham essential for arterial pumping and curing shall be left intact. The diaphragm may be removed. There shall not be any objectionable scores on the outside of the carcass and, unless otherwise specified,  the carcass shall be skin on. The jowl shall remain intact on each carcass side, except for minor trimming and removal of bloody portions, lymph glands, etc. However, excessively trimmed or mutilated jowls not suitable for standard trimmed jowls or smoked jowl squares shall be removed by a reasonably straight cut, parallel to the body of the shoulder, behind the "ear dip," which shall remain on the jowl. Carcasses with "stuck" shoulders are not acceptable. Mutilated feet shall be removed at the hock or upper knee joint, as applicable. The carcasses shall be separated into reasonably uniform sides, by cutting lengthwise centrally through the backbone and the sternum so that the major muscles of the loin and shoulder are not scored and such that the spinal cord groove is evident on at least 75% of both sides of the backbone. Pork carcasses shall be maintained and delivered in the form of matched sides.