We appreciate the pictures and information for this section were supplied by the following | |
Credits: | |
University of Nebraska, Lincoln Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources Animal Science Department http://www.ianr.unl.edu/ianr/anisci/anscdept.htm |
University of Nebraska, Lincoln
DEAL Lab Distributed Environments for Active Learning http://deal.unl.edu |
Dr. Steven Jones Dr. Dennis Burson Brian Devine Clint Schafer Kim Podany |
Jon Butler Dave Bentz Ron Roeber |
Funding for this project was provided by the American Meat Science Association through a grant funded by the National Pork Producers Council. | |
American Meat Science Association
1111 North Dunlap Avenue Savoy, Illinois 61874 USA Phone: 217-356-3182 Fax: 217-398-4119 http://www.meatscience.org |
National Pork Producers Council
P.O. Box 10383 Des Moines, IA 50306 515-223-2600 http://www.nppc.org |