Color Standards
1.0_color.jpg (7868 bytes) 2.0_color.jpg (8977 bytes) 3.0_color.jpg (9345 bytes)
Pale pinkish gray to white
Grayish pink
Reddish pink
4.0_color.jpg (12397 bytes) 5.0_color.jpg (11014 bytes) 6.0_color.jpg (15542 bytes)
Dark reddish pink
Purplish red
Dark purplish red
The quality of fresh pork varies greatly.  The quality levels shown above will appear differently to chefs and consumers, taste differently when cooked, and perform differently when converted to processed products.  High quality pork has greater monetary value than low quality pork.  Quality can be evaluated by simply visual appraisal, or it can be determined more accurately by scientific tests.  This chart may be used to help identify variations in pork quality.

Color scores are as described in "Composition & Quality Assessment Procedures", 1999, NPPC
Minolta L*value 61

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