Cream Soup
Yield 10 quarts or 10 liters
Ingredients U.S. Metric
Stock White, chicken, fish, or other 10 1/2 quarts 10 liters
Flour (preferably rice) 15 ounces 450 grams
Oil or Shortening 12 ounces 350 grams
Cream 1 pint 5 deciliters
Egg Yolks 2 ea 2ea
1.  Melt shortening or place oil in a sauce pan.  Add flour and blend.  Cook slowly and stir.  Do not allow the white roux to brown.
2.  Add cold stock and simmer for about 30 minutes.  If too thick add more stock.
3.  Bind with liaison.  Add a small amount of soup to liaison to temper it then add the mixture to the soup.
4.  Strain
5.  Adjust Seasoning
6.  Do not allow the soup to boil as the liaison will break
* 2 ounces of butter and 1 quart of cream can also be used as a binder instead of a liaison